Friday, February 19, 2010

Blake's first hair cut

So after much begging from friends and family, I finally caved and got Blake's hair cut. We took him to a Hair Cuttery and I was terrified because last time I took Ethan to one of those places they did a horrible job. Blake was amazing, ofcourse. He didn't make one noise. Mommy was the one whining. I asked her to take an inch off. I was hoping to preserve the ringlets. Well, she took off around three inches. I was pretty ticked off to say the least. Everyone said it looked adorable, except for my super conservative parents, but I was still upset. I'm more used to it now and even though I miss the mass amount of curls, I do think he is still pretty stinking adorable. These pics were taken about three weeks ago.

Before the hair cut.
After the hair cut. He's not so sure either.
Alright, alright. It looks pretty cute.


  1. of course he's still just as adorable as ever! i had a hard time when we chopped off kolby's long hair too just bc he looked so much older.
