Friday, October 2, 2009

And then there was cake! A lot of cake!

Here's the cake that took me days to make but it was soooo worth it. The top tier was a cocunut cake that I think I overbaked a little but was still yummy. The bottom tier was chocolate with chocolate chip. It was huge! Thank you soooo much to my friend Tina!!!! She came over and helped me make the superhero logos because I had been up late everynight for three nights. Thank God for her! Seriously. We made the Batman logo, the Green Lantern logo, the Flash logo, Superman's logo and Wonder Woman's logo that you can see on the pic where Ethan is blowing out his candles. Spiderman was made out of chocolate. I piped it in stages in a spiderman cake pan. I thought it turned out pretty good. There are a few things I would have done differently but oh well. Now I know for next time.


  1. hooray! can i just say how giddy i am that you have a blog!!! so fun! adn way to go on so many posts already! the party turned out super super cute!!! you are amazing! love all the kiddos in costumes. It totally looks like those pics in the pottery barn kids mag. and doug as batman? freak'n awesome! love you! i'm so proud of you!!! (obviously for more reasons than just starting a blog but it is the most recent reason to add to the list hee hee hee). And congrats on your new niece!! She is beautiful!

  2. Cool cake! And cool blog. It's about time you gave in and started one. Now we will be better friends. ;)

  3. What a darling cake! I love it! I so wish that I had a reason to have you make me a cake too! LOL! Will you be making Rachel's cake? That would be awesome if you are! I am so hoping that I won't have any complications in getting out there for the wedding! You have such a cute page, and such a cute little family! I miss you and can't wait to see you soon pretty lady! I love you!


