Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blake's latest news

Yesterday I finally got a call from the endocronologist and got semi good news. All tests came back normal. Very good. No answers though. Not so good. The tests did show that his metabolism is high. Really? Who woulda thunk. The high point for the normal range of the thyroid test is 1.5 and Blake's result was 1.49. Still not high enough to burn through 1200 calories. On one of his growth hormone tests he was a hundreth of a point off of abnormally low. So the doc thinks that although he is still in the normal ranges that the combination of the two and how close they were to abnormal may be the cause of the problem but they can't say for sure. He will be reevaluated in 9 to 12 months to see if he has started to grow at a normal rate yet. If he hasn't caught up or is not on a normal curve yet then they will give him growth hormone shots. I don't think the shots would start at three but they never said. So for now we still give him a high calorie diet as well as we can and hope for the best. I'm really hoping he catches up soon so that we don't have to do the shots but if we do, it could be a lot worse right?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Melissa,

    I discovered your blog while reading Tina's post about Jenna's birthday cakes. I was reading about Blake and his growth concerns. I just had to write and share my empathy and experience.

    Morgan was teeny at 6 months. She had fallen right off the growth chart and didn't hardly grow. She was developmentally right on (and sometimes a little ahead), but it was very nerve-wracking for a new mom. At one year she weighed 15 lbs. It wasn't even double her birth weight. Finally, sometime after 18 months she made it back on the growth chart, but she has always remained in the single digits. :)

    Shelby grew a little faster. She was 16 lbs. at a year. She cut her first 2 bottom teeth around 10-11 months and then nothing until after she turned 18 months. By that time I had taken her to a pediatric dentist to just tell me it was in the range of normal. LOL! I was getting concerned, but she was very reassuring.

    I know this doesn't even compare to what it sounds like what is going on with Blake, but I could definitely understand where you are coming from. Just wanted to send a cyber-hug!!

    Tell your folks I say hello and send well wishes.

    I miss Chicago so much. I would have thought after 2 1/2 years that feeling would fade, but not so much.

    Have a wonderful new year! Grow Blake Grow!! :)
